Food and garden scraps are a valuable resource that can be transformed into nutrient-rich compost and used in our local gardens and parks.

However plastic, nappies, rubbish and furniture do not break down and instead contaminate our compost.
That’s why we need to KEEP IT CLEAN in the kitchen and the garden.


Keeping it clean
in the kitchen

Keeping it clean
in the garden


Composting at Home

Compost is organic material that can be added to soil to help plants grow!

There are lots of good reasons to compost. It saves money, saves resources, can help to improve your soil and can reduce your impact on the environment.


 Ask the Compost Doctor

Do you have a question about your compost?

We have the answer to some commonly asked questions.
Can’t find an answer, message the Compost Doctor for help!


Tips for a happy green bin!

  • Do not place plastic bags, nappies, polystyrene foam or medical waste in your organics bin

  • Keep your green bin in the shade with the lid closed to keep out pests and flies

  • Put your green bin out every week for collection, even if it’s not full